Shadow Work - Offered in US and Australia
Shadow Work Weekend is a place to look deep within yourself and identify Shadows that have power over you and your choices. You have the opportunity to bring your Shadows into the light and begin to make clear conscious choices that support you in living your full and authentic life.
Shadow Work Weekends
These weekends are offered for both men and women in a co-gender container which offers deep healing for both sexes.
Rhonda partners with other female facilitators and offers Women’s Shadow Work Weekend. A safe place for women to work on issues specific to women.
Basic Facilitator Training - July 12-20, 2025 Melbourne, Australia
Learn how to facilitate the basic Shadow Work processes. This is an in-depth dive into the art of processing and at the same time a dive into the shadows active in your lives. This might be one of the finest facilitation guides utilized today to support others discovering blocks within themselves.
Advanced Facilitator Training
This training is an examination of the four core wounds we believe effect many in their lifetime. This training teaches you to be a connected and understanding facilitator who follows their participant for the deepest level of learning and growth.
Shadow Work Coaching
Utilizing the skills of the Basic Facilitator and Advanced Facilitator trainings. This powerful method of coaching allows a participant to work in a one-on-one setting to go to places that may not have been safe to visit in the past.
Shadow Work Couples Coaching
Couples Coaching utilizes the skills of the Basic Facilitator and the Advanced Facilitator Training as well as the proprietary Shadow Work Coaches Training Method. Couples begin to see and understand their partner at a deeper level by seeing the shadows and protective behaviors that they may have been using unconsciously. They learn how to deepen the communication, intimacy and connection within the relationship.
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Then go to PayPal and make payment to: rhonda.gaughan@me.com